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  • The City of Oakley provides the following services for the residents:  water, sewer and refuse services..
  • A Utility Billing Agreement is required for utility services and all information must be completed on this form.
  • A picture ID is required and applicant must be 18 years of age or older.
  • A $10.00, non-refundable, connect fee is put on your first months bill, there is no deposit.
  • Renters must have the owner's signature, before utilities can be transferred into their name.
  • All previous bills owed to the City of Oakley must be paid before new utility services are connected.
  • A completed Utility Billing and Service Agreement must be completed and returned to the City Office before services can be transferred to you.
  • A Read Out Service Request is required when you leave your residence.

Billing Cycle

  • Utility meters are read between the 17th and 22nd of each month with bills going out the last working day of the month.
  • All bills are due by the 15th of the following month. If not paid by the 15th, a 10% penalty is added and if not paid 8:00 a.m. on the last working day of the month, utilities will be disconnected.


  • Reconnect fees are $40 for reconnection during business hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. After hour, weekend or holiday reconnect is $100.
  • Utility Payment Agreements are available if a customer is unable to pay. Default of an agreement will result in immediate disconnect of your water service.

Level Payment

  • The City offers a Levelized Utility Payment Plan, which calculates a year of usage history into a monthly payment.  Your monthly payment is refigured every year in October.