Utility meters are read between the 17th and 22nd of each month with bills going out the last working day of the month.
All bills are due by the 15th of the following month. If not paid by the 15th, a 10% penalty is added and if not paid 8:00 a.m. on the last working day of the month, utilities will be disconnected.
Reconnect fees are $40 for reconnection during business hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. After hour, weekend or holiday reconnect is $100.
Utility Payment Agreements are available if a customer is unable to pay. Default of an agreement will result in immediate disconnect of your water service.
Level Payment
The City offers a Levelized Utility Payment Plan, which calculates a year of usage history into a monthly payment. Your monthly payment is refigured every year in October.