If you would like to serve on any of these Boards, please contact the City Office.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission is a Board that considers request to change sections in the City's Zoning Ordinance and re-zoning issues and makes recommendations to the Oakley City Council. The meeting schedule varies.
Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals is a board that meets to consider Variances to the Zoning Ordinance. The meeting schedule varies.
Airport Authority
The Airport Authority considers all issues concerning the Oakley Airport. The meeting schedule varies.
Fire Department
The Fire Department meets on the 2nd and last Monday of each month at the Fire Station, 215 Hudson Avenue at 7:30 PM.
Housing Authority
The Housing Authority deals with matters concerning the Housing Authority complex. The meetings are the 1st Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at 700 W 5th Street.
Library Board
The Library Board deals with concerning the Oakley Library. The meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 700 W 3rd Street at 5:15 p.m..
Museum Board
The Museum Board considers issues and request that deal with the Fick Museum. The meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. at 700 W 3rd Street.