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The Function of the Conservation District

To take available technical, financial, and educational resources, whatever their source and focus, and coordinate them so that they meet the needs of the local land user for conservation of soil, water and related resources.  

Our Business Model

  • Targeted cost-share based on KDHE guidance
  • Prioritized application approval based on state and local needs
  • Comprehensive project planning and design according to engineer approved standards and specifications
  • Automated contracting procedures
  • Project maintenance agreement signed by applicant to ensure compliance
  • Inspection and audits of projects an documents by state and federal field staff

Locally Elected Officials:  A local five-member board, know as district supervisors, governs each conservation district.  District supervisors are elected public officials who serve without pay.  The 525 district supervisors donate nearly 50,000 hours per year establishing local priorities, setting policy, and administering programs to conserve natural resources and protect water quality.  

Why Is Conservation Important?

  • Protect Productive Farmland
  • Protect Water Supplies
  • Protect Infrastructure
  • Foster Environmental Stewardship
  • Preserve Quality of Life and Economic Growth
  • Protect Water Quality

Getting It Done!

Conservation districts address wide range of environmental concerns.  These include both agricultural and urban erosion and sediment control, water quality, water quantity, range and pasture management, fish and wildlife habitat, and other natural resource management issues.   Conservation districts work cooperatively with local citizens to solve local conservation problems. This benefits both the agricultural community and society as a whole.  Clean water and productive soil are basic to our quality of life - now and in the future!

Information/Education and Services

Conservation districts provide information and education to landowners, schools and the general public about soil and water conservation issues. Some district offer conservation-related items for sale such as grass seed and trees.  Many districts have equipment available to rent that promote conservation by preventing erosion and improving water quality.  This equipment may include grass drills, trees planters and no-till seeders.