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Agendas & Minutes

Access easily searchable meeting agendas and minutes for various boards, commissions, and committees.

Bid Opportunities

Access bids and request for proposals for consultants, service providers, contractors, vendors, and suppliers.

Boards & Commissions

Learn about the Boards & Commissions within the City of Oakley.


Learn more about the annual budget process, and find past passed budgets.

Building Permits

Learn about building permits including what structures require.

Contact the City of Oakley

The City is always willing to provide information about any City service or program. We will do our best to provide a response to you in a timely and accurate manner.


Learn more about the departments that serve City of Oakley residents.

Dog Licenses

Learn about dog licenses including renewal fees and dates and what is required to obtain a dog license.

Equipment Rental

All equipment rentals requires a City Equipment Request form to be filled out and submitted for council approval before picking up or using any city equipment.

Fick Fossil Museum

The Fick Fossil & History Museum is home to many world-class fossils including the bones of the oldest documented mosasaur skull in the world, a Tylosaurus Proriger, a 30-foot marine reptile found in the Horse Thief Canyon of Gove County. Donated by the Bird Family and prepared by Mike Everhart. Enjoy exhibits detailing the Smoky Hill Trail, Kansas Pacific Depot, and sod house that was built in 1975 by the Oakley FFA Chapter as their centennial project. We have thousands of fossils and unique folk art of Vi and Earnest Fick, benefactors of the Fick Fossil & History Museum. A Xiphactinus Audax, a 15 foot-long prehistoric fish found locally by renowned paleontologist George F. Sternberg. The story of the John German family massacre. It also houses a general store, a creamery and military display. A replica of Oakley's 1886 Union Pacific Railroad depot which burned in 1940. And a historical picture display featuring over 1,000 photographs.

Job Opportunities

Find job opportunities in the City of Oakley. A City Application can also be found.


Learn about licenses for the city of Oakley including a solicitor license, electric license, tree trimming license, and private clubs license.

Mayor & City Council

Find meeting documents and membership information for the Mayor and City Council.

Mosquito Control

Information on what the City of Oakley is doing to help control mosquito populations.

Municipal Code

Access the Code of the City of Oakley online.

Municipal Court

Municipal Court is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Court is held at 5:00 p.m. in the meeting room at 415 W 2nd Street. Please park in the back & enter through the west door.

Oakley Cemetery

Learn about the Oakley Cemetery including location, fees, and other rules. Directories are also available for the Oakley Cemetery.

Oakley Public Library

The Oakley Public Library has served the community and surrounding counties since 1923! Services include: faxing, copier, books, dvd's, audio books, computers, children's room, reading room, etc.


Parks & Facilities


Rebate & Reimbursement Programs

Learn about the rebate and reimbursement programs available such as the buffalo grass rebate, sidewalk improvement, and handicapped accessible curb cut.

Online Bill Pay



The city has recycling receptacles located inside the round-top building across from the Power Plant/City Shop at 4th Street and Price Avenue. Learn about what is accepted and how to sort it.

Rental Property Owners

Rental Property Owners


If you’re lucky enough to have lived in Oakley in the past or currently do, you know Oakley is a special place. We are a small community and proud of it.

Report a Concern

Notify us about a general concern, comment, or compliment.


Water, sewer, and refuse are provided by the City of Oakley.

Community News

Read current news and announcements.

About Oakley

At first Oakley may seem like just another stop along the road. But a closer look reveals a community in transition.



Winter Storm Routes

Once a winter storm route alert has been issued all vehicles are to be moved off the storm route streets. If vehicles are not moved they will be towed at owner’s expense.