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  • All refuse containers (hoppers) are located in alleys and in relation to the street where there are no alleys.
  • All hoppers are owned by the City of Oakley. Paying customers may use any hopper within the City.
  • Items not allowed in the hoppers are: large and heavy items that would damage the refuse truck, used oil, paint cans that are not empty and dried out, and hazardous materials.
  • Persons not residing within the City of Oakley, may use the City Landfill and pay the appropriate fee as stipulated by Landfill staff.

Refuse Rates

New refuse rates went into effect on January 1, 2022




Rate Per Month

Residential (within city limits) - Collected One (1) Time Per Week


Residential (mobile home, apartments)

$22.00 Per Residential Unit


Standard Commercial

Number of Hoppers & Frequency of Pickup

Rate Per Month

One (1) Hopper Collected One (1) Time Per Week


One (1) Hopper Collected Three (3) Times Per Week


One (1) Hopper Collected Five (5) Times Per Week


One (1) Extra Hopper Collection

$25.00 Per Collection

Shared Commercial - Businesses which abut alleys along the 100-400 blocks of Center Avenue and use shared refuse hoppers located in the alleys along the 100-400 blocks of Center Avenue



Rate Per Month

Category 1 - One (1) Hopper Collected Three (3) Times Per Week - Restaurants, Lumber Yards, Hotels/Motels, Banks, Automotive Repairs, Utilities, Plumbing, Taverns, Liquor Stores, Furniture, Appliance, Garages and Other Large Offices


Category 2 - One (1) Hopper Collected Three (3) Times Per Week - All Other Businesses



Outside of City Limits

Number of Hoppers & Frequency of Pickup


1 hopper, twice per month


1 hopper, 4 times per month


1 hopper, 8 times per month


Each extra hopper


Extra Pickup


All out of town refuse hoppers require an application and approval by the City Administrator or Landfill Director.


Rural Refuse Application


Tire disposal requires an additional fee. The City of Oakley Landfill is located one mile south on Highway 83 and ½ mile east on Day Dream Road.

Tire Type

Without Rim

With Rim

Car/Pickup Tire



Skid Steer Tire



Semi Truck Tire



Irrigation Tire



Grader Tire



Sprayer Tire



Front Wheel Assist



Tractor Tire



Loader Tire



Floater Fire



Combine Tire



Scraper Tire

