All people applying for a Solicitor License must complete and return the City's Application no fewer than 10 days before they can solicit in the Residential areas of the City. An investigation of information will be performed by the Chief of Police before a license is issued. Minors under the age of 18 are exempt from these requirements unless acting as agents for adults.
If a solicitor comes to your door to solicit their product, ask them to present their license and identification badge. If they are unable to do so, do not purchase anything and call the Police Department.
The occupation tax is paid by liquor stores each year at their state license renewal date. The tax due is $300.
Private Club License
Class a License
Class A Licenses sell and serve alcohol on the premises to members, their families and guests. The fee for a a Class A License is $100. Renewal by May 1st each year, bonds are required.
Class B License
Class B Licenses sell and serve alcohol on the premises to members, their families and guests and also is a restaurant. The fee for a Class B License is $100. Renewal by May 1st each year, bonds are required.
Drinking Establishment
Drinking Establishment License
Drinking Establishment Licenses sell and serve alcohol for on-premise consumption, as per Ordinance No. 1059. The fee for a Drinking Establishment License is $100.
Cereal Malt Beverage License Fees
License Type
Unopened and Carry Out
$50 + $25 CMB Stamp
Consumed on Premises
$100 + $25 CMB Stamp
Unopened, Carry Out, and Consumed on Premises
$150 + $50 CMB Stamp
Cereal Malt Beverage licenses are renewable but not transferable.
Electric License
An electric code test must be passed in order to obtain an Electric License. The fee is $25 and is renewable per policy period of Liability Insurance. A copy of a Certificate of Liability policy for $100,000 is required & must be supplied.
Plumbing License
A plumbing code test must be passed in order to obtain a Plumbing License. The fee for a Plumbing License is $25 and is renewable per policy period of Liability Insurance. A copy of a Certificate of Liability policy for $100,000 is required & must be supplied.
Gas Fitting License
In order to obtain a Gas Fitting License a pass gas fitting code test must be passed. The fee is $25 and is renewable per policy period of Liability Insurance. A copy of a Certificate of Liability policy for $100,000 is required & must be supplied.
Tree Trimming License
The fee for a Tree Trimming License is $25 and is renewable per policy period of Liability Insurance. A copy of a Certificate of Liability Insurance of $25,000 for bodily injury and $100,000 for property damage must be supplied.
Pawn Broker & Precious Metal Dealers
The fee is $25 and reports required by Kansas Statues to the Chief of Police must be provided.