City Hall is located at 415 West 2nd Street. This office houses the City Administrator, City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk/Utility Billing Clerk, A/P Clerk, & the Municipal Court Clerk/Office Clerk. This is also where the City Council meets for their meetings on the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m., and where Municipal Court is held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m..
The Oakley Municipal Code is now available online.
Check out the latest:
Every year the Division of Environment, Bureau of Water requires the City to distribute the Consumer Confidence Report, to show our customers the annual water quality report. To see this report go to the Transperancy Tab. Once in that tab click on the Consumer Confidence Report drop down & choose the most recent report.
View the Annual Budget Report for the City of Oakley here.